Friday, October 14, 2016

Things I'm Loving in October

I started blogging to find my voice in telling my story, because when I was first diagnosed with cancer, I wanted to hide. I didn't want to tell anyone or even say "cancer." I began to find writing emails to my closest friends, to be therapeutic-which turned into the idea to blog. I had no idea, and still don't, if anyone else is even interested in hearing from me BUT for my own sanity-it's important for me to get it out there. I have found so much healing and strength in getting stuff out of my head and "on to paper." A wonderful friend who happens to be an awesome blogger, has encouraged me to try some different formats and to have fun with writing. So, I decided to start with a list of things I am currently loving in October!

  1. LulaRoe
I discovered LLR on Instagram and was kind of confused. I loved some of the bright fun patterns, but couldn’t really figure out what it was or where to get it, just knew I thought it was cool. Then, enters a FB friend who wasn’t even a friend, but the daughter of a friend, who was starting her LLR business. I shopped her Facebook sale and got a couple of things that I ended up REALLY enjoying. But the real love for LLR has been since I had my hysterectomy. Y’all, a hysterectomy changes your body. I feel like I am wearing an inner tube around my pelvis. Seriously. The swollen belly is a real thing, even weeks after. And I have read that it can take quite some time for this to go down, even with diet and exercise. My pre-surgery pants do not fit. SO, I bought some LLR pieces because I’m going to need some staple items for when I go back to work. These clothes feel SO good and make me feel pretty!! I’m not kidding! They are flattering for all body types and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that the patterns are limited. So, that means you’re not wearing the same things as everyone else. How Fun! If you're interested check out my friends online boutique. (You can totally shop in your pajamas. LOVE IT!)

  1. Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle
The past 10 months has been crazy for my body-all sorts of things have gone wonky, including my scalp and hair. I cannot explain how grateful I am that I was able to keep a full head of hair during chemotherapy. However, the chemo and radiation dried out my hair severely and then the hormone changes have done a number on my scalp. Now that I am months out from treatment, my hormones continue to be a source of contention, as I’m 37 and in menopause. This has caused me to have patches of red, flaky, irritation on my scalp, almost like psoriasis. These patches itch, flake, and then burn really badly. I tried dandruff shampoo that helped some with flaking, but didn’t soothe. My sister suggested TJs Tea Tree Tingle shampoo and conditioner.
Y’all….it feels so good and smells awesome-like you’re a koala in a eucalyptus tree. (Do koalas hang out in those, I think they do?) Anyway, I have been so pleased with the way it naturally conditions my scalp and hair. The patches have actually gotten better, so I feel like it’s treating it and not just putting a bandage on the issue. AND it is so reasonably priced at around $4 a bottle.

  1. Crispy Mornings
Texas pretty much has the seasons of summer, summer, winter, summer. Not kidding. AND this is the time of year where the weather acts like it has a personality disorder. We are having some cool/mild days and then days where it is sunny and 90. BUT, for the most part we are having some crisp(at least for DFW) mornings.
I am really loving being able to take Luna out for a walk and us both feeling like we can go a little further because we aren’t dying, since the doctors have told me to walk as much as possible. These mornings lend themselves to hoodies, cardigans, and an extra cup of coffee.

  1. Shannon Dingle’s Blog
I found Shannon Dingle through my blogger friend (as mentioned above),Casey Chappell. Casey connected me with Shannon Dingle after we had sat over lunch and coffee several times discussing the church, social justice, the current election, life, adoption, police brutality, faith, Jim Crow, Jesus, racial reconciliation, national debt, immigration, refugees, white privilege etc. What I have found to be encouraging about Shannon's blog is that she is unapologetically a lover of Christ, but is not afraid to ask hard questions and enter into hard conversations. She is not afraid to say the things that a lot us are thinking and is willing to risk being labeled a (insert giant gasp) liberal because her conviction is to love first. I am learning a lot about myself these days-and feel like I have wrongfully been unteachable in the past and unwilling to listen to other views. I want to be rooted in the gospel, not some American "cultural gospel" that is another from of the prosperity BS that we so often speak against. I’m loving her blog because she is helping me find a voice and tease through a lot that is whirling around in my heart and brain.

  1. This is Us
So being on medical leave, for the second time this year as left me with watching more TV than I have in the past 10 years of my life. I’m a news junkie, but you can only listen to it for so long. AND with this being an election year, sometimes you just need to check out from reality and watch something that is not directly related to current events.
“This is Us” on NBC is so fantastic.
The writing on this show is amazing. I think that some of my love for this show is due to the fact that it follows characters who are 36 years old. And since I am right around that age, I TOTALLY feel like I connect with these characters, the questions they are asking themselves, and the lives they lead and WISH to lead. If you are looking for a meaningful drama that has the perfect combination of twists and turns, this is your show. Kudos to these writers!

  1. Nightgowns
Why have I not been wearing nightgowns?? When I found out that the next stage of treatment was a hysterectomy, I sat down with a friend who has had one, for what to expect and tips. One of the first things she suggested was nightgowns. Nightgowns?? I’m a pajama or yoga pants girl-a nightgown? I haven’t worn a nightgown since I was a kid, and isn't that what grandma’s wear? She suggested gowns because when you’ve had major abdominal surgery and swelling, you don’t really want anything touching your stomach. Sounded reasonable, so I got several before my surgery and they have been a LIFESAVER! The ease of having something on, that provides coverage for when you have guests, that does not bother incisions and provides easy access for the restroom is AWESOME.  It has been the BEST tip I received and I am loving them. I am rocking the granny gowns with pride and plan to find some not so granny-ish ones when I’m all healed up. I have found a wide variety at Kohls. So I guess you could say, thanks to Amy Cox, I am loving nightgowns AND Kohls.

  1. Cervivor
The power of social media is mind boggling to me sometimes. The power of a hashtag and the ability to search and find those dealing with the same thing is pretty cool. Since my cervical cancer diagnosis, I started taking advantage of social media as I had never known someone with my kind of cancer and felt like I needed to read and connect as much as possible. Knowledge is power, right? So through social media I have found tons of encouragement and camaraderie in the cancer survivor community. The most encouraging has been through an organization founded by Tamika Felder, called Cervivor.

Felder is a cervical cancer survivor who started the organization to bring women together, to help them find sisterhood, and to educate them; preparing them to be the very best advocate possible for cervical cancer and HPV. The website itself is packed full of stories and resources, so helpful for someone with a diagnosis or caregiver. Part of Cervivor is “Cervivor School” where women actually spend the weekend together connecting and learning-preparing them for advocacy. These are held all throughout the states during the year, making them accessible to most everyone. I cannot WAIT to attend one of these!!! Cancer has a funny way of setting you on fire for the things you love, desire, and dream. Part of my dream is advocacy, telling my story, and survivor empowerment. I look forward to learning with other women and refining those skills to be the very best I can possibly be. In the meantime, I am loving and encourage you to check it out!


  1. Holly, I always appreciate your honesty and openness. I think this site should be in a "cervivor" blogroll somewhere. As for the likes...

    Tina and I have really been pleasantly surprised by This Is Us. I don't often expect poignant, thought-provoking writing from network TV. This is definitely fitting the bill. I hope they can sustain it for the long run.

    I have a new shampoo/conditioner to try now thanks to you. I've actually got some of those same problems, and while I use TJ's Tea Tree Body Wash all the time, I've never thought to buy the other products. So thanks for that honest recommendation.

    I'm also gonna have to check out the blogs you linked. One day I'll have time, right?

    Just wanted to drop a comment on the actual blog instead of Facebook to let you know you've got an audience that wants you to keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you Andrew!!! Yes, to all of those things ESPECIALLY This is Us being able to maintain the level of goodness. :) AND YES-check out those blogs, when you have time. Based on what I've seen from you, I think you would also find them helpful!!
